Chinese Football
Chinese Football tries to keep the original tension of punk music and operating with a DIY attitude. inspired by late 1990s emo pioneers like Jimmy Eat World, Get Up Kids and American Football, Chinese Football specializes in a potent guitar bass driven wistful indie rock sound. Mixing with brain washed guitar riffs with Mandarin lyrics, Chinese Football is devoted to expressing the fantasy of youth and its frustration.
The band joined American Football as a perfectly-matched support on tour.
Chinese Football was schedule to tour Europe in 2020, but as a Wuhan band, they were the first affected by the pandemic and last to return with China's recently-opened borders.
Their new album Win / Lose dropped DEC 30 2022 on Bandcamp and is slated to debut on Spotify this month. Listen here:
FFO: American Football, Clever Girl, Elephant Gym